Kompas Radio Management Services is dedicated to assisting businesses and organizations in establishing and maintaining their internal radio stations. Our goal is to ensure seamless operation, high-quality content production, and effective communication within your organization.

Research Solution

Radio Station Setup

We help you set up your internal radio station from start to finish, including equipment installation, studio design, and technical setup.

Research Solution

Content Production

Our team of experienced professionals assists in creating engaging and informative content tailored to your organization's needs and audience.

Research Solution

Operational Support

We provide ongoing operational support to ensure the smooth running of your radio station, including troubleshooting, maintenance, and staff training.

Why Choose Kompas Radio Management Services?

We provide high-quality training to boost your career. Join Sonora Education to unlock your potential.

Our Services

Sonora Education And Talent Management

Sonora Education And Talent Management

Empowering Talent Development & Soft Skills Training.
Research Solution

Research Solution

Your Research Solution for Comprehensive Coverage, Reliable Sources, and Diverse Perspectives
Event Management

Event Management

Step into Syandana, we deliver exceptional tailored event solutions

We'll reach out to you to talk about what we can do to keep leading, together.

Let’s Collaborate!

Our Satisfied Partners

Kementrian Pajak
Kementrian PUPR
Kementerian Dinas Perhubungan
Kementrian Kominfo
Kementrian Agama
Kementrian Hukum dan HAM
Nuvo Family
Bear Brand
Sarirasa Group
Gopek House
Kementrian Pelni